Frequently Asked Questions



How long will the teeth whitening last?

Lasting results solely depend on each individual person and how they maintain their results. Some last longer than others depending on what each individual person’s habits are. For instance, a customer may drink coffee every day and need treatments more frequently than someone that doesn’t. Our customer’s results typically last 3-6 months. Our three-step application (Best) process will last the longest. Some clients report their results lasting up to 12 months. We also provide aftercare instructions to help our customers keep their pearly whites as long as possible. Please note the longer the treatment the better your results and everyone's results will come out differently. There is no way to tell until after the treatment is complete.

Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes, the professional teeth whitening system we use is an organic plant- and mineral-based product with built-in enamel-building qualities. Scientific research has shown that the active ingredients in the whitening gels we use are safe and effective. Our whitening system is FDA-approved and has been used throughout the dental and cosmetic community since 1999. Our process does not change or damage the structure of the teeth; it merely lifts and removes the stains, making your teeth whiter. The product we partner with is a member of the Holistic Dental Association (HDA).

How long does it take to get your teeth whitened?

Application times are 20 minutes (50min appt time) to 60 minutes (90 min appt time) depending on the discoloration of your teeth. Results are instant, unlike whitening trays where it takes 7-12 days of wearing trays, to see results.

Does professional teeth whitening hurt?

No, in fact, most clients experience no sensitivity during or after a whitening session. A very small percentage of clients may feel some minor tooth sensitivity, especially if they consume very cold or hot foods or drinks within two hours after the whitening session. We include a complimentary remineralization treatment with each whitening session to make sure you are as comfortable as possible.

Does teeth whitening work on crowns, veneers, and fillings?

Our whitening system is safe to use on any dental work. It will remove stains from crowns, veneers, and fillings. It will take them back to the original color, but will not whiten them beyond the original color of the material used at the time of placement.

Should I consider Professional Teeth Whitening?

Studies have shown that people with whiter teeth look younger and there is a correlation between high self-esteem and a bright, confident smile. Boujee Brights Professional Teeth Whitening is a great way to instantly enhance your appearance.

Is the Teeth Whitening product you use, for everyone?

Our sessions provide dramatic results for MOST people who want to whiten their teeth. This includes people with teeth that have been stained by smoking or by substances such as coffee or tea. Our product is safe for anyone to use however we choose not to whiten on pregnant or lactating mothers to ensure we are being as safe as possible. We will whiten ages 12 -17 with parental consent.

How white will my teeth get with professional whitening?

Individual results will depend on your current tooth shade, treatment time as well as the composition of your teeth. Your end result will be a whiter, healthier smile. Everyone’s teeth are different and will have a natural stop point.

Who sees the BEST results with professional whitening?

Clients who have had their teeth cleaned within the last 6 months by a dental professional and do not have active cavities. Tarter buildup on teeth, as shown below, gets in the way of achieving the best whitening results. If you would like the names of local dentists we recommend, please feel free to ask. Our complimentary consultation before you whiten will help set realistic expectations of what you are able to achieve with your professional whitening session.